Copyright Elizabeth Devlin. All Rights Reserved. 

Devlin's debut poetry chapbook, Milk Spine, forthcoming from Dancing Girl Press & Art Studio, Winter 2024. In addition to this, Devlin’s art and poetry have appeared in ep;phany, Cobramilk,  The Opiate, Bomb, We the Tender Hearted and elsewhere. As the Founding Director of Bessie’s, a private artist studio and salon, Devlin hosted art, community, literary and acoustic music events in Brooklyn.

Devlin is the two-time recipient of  the Writer's  Residency at Sundress Academy, Knoxville, TN; during this time she researched the history of The Mother and Baby Homes of Ireland, which existed during the greater part of the 20th century, and studied the 2,865 page report published by The Mother and Baby Homes Commission on January 12, 2021.  This ongoing preparation is for a full-length, erasure-poetry manuscript, focused on the experiences of the mothers, children and survivors that were housed, lived and died in these homes; the 2,865 page report and her online research will be the source material for the erasure. 

ELIZABETH DEVLIN is an avant-garde-folk singer/songwriter, autoharpist, visual artist, poet, and curator of numerous art, music, and literary events, including the series: PoeTrap, Prose By Any Other, Token Folk Acoustic and The Highwaymen NYC.

With her haunting combination of lilting voice and enchanting autoharp, Devlin is a self-produced NYC singer- songwriter who defies traditional musical structure with many of her songs, building miniature narratives and magical worlds where characters, fantasies and time collide. She has released five albums: Conscientious Objector (What A Mess! Records, 2022), Orchid Mantis (2017), For Whom the Angels Named (2011), Ladybug EP (2011), All Are Relative (2009). Forthcoming, Devlin will release the full-length album, My Father's Country. 

Devlin is the two time recipient of the Common Ground On the Hill, Roots Music & Arts Memorial Scholarship through which, she attended Traditions Music Workshops. Devlin was awarded the Mary Lou Orthey Scholarship to attend the Mt. Laurel Autoharp Gathering where she received the Leonard A. Reid - Peoples Choice Award for Outstanding Vocal Performance.